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Articles on conscious leadership

Aug 29, 2023
Stereotyping at work
In 1922, a journalist named Walter Lippmann introduced the word "stereotype" as a metaphor for a mental picture people form based on...

Aug 29, 2023
Forecasting or Wishful Thinking
Many company executives try to predict the future by constructing incredibly elaborate long-term business and career plans -which...

Aug 29, 2023
Job Satisfaction
Several studies have shown that the experience of work could be better. Most of us will spend 100,000 hours at work, and over half of our...

Aug 29, 2023
A Self-Aware Leader Is The One Who Marvels At The Role Luck Has Played In Their Life.
It is never a good idea to assume superiority due to your accomplishments, regardless of how impressive they may look to the external...

Aug 29, 2023
Social media narrows our worldview
Imagine scrolling through your feed and seeing a post you perceive as untrue or too biased. You hit the “unfollow” or “hide post,” and...

Aug 29, 2023
Applying The Socratic Method To Executive Coaching
Life without examination is not worth living. This quote from the famous philosopher can easily be translated into the corporate world...

Aug 28, 2023
Can Job-Hopping Become An Endless Loop?
A recent Gallup report on the Millennial generation reveals that 21% of people born between 1980 and 1996 have changed their jobs within...

Aug 28, 2023
The Cost of Life
Over 200 years ago, the British, Dutch, Belgian, and Prussian troops defeated Napoleon in the famous Battle of Waterloo. This magnificent...

Aug 28, 2023
The Inflexible Americans And The Disorganized Latinos
The consciousness of time is a distinctive characteristic of human beings that separates us from all other living creatures. However, how...

Aug 28, 2023
What does a successful executive look like?
Often, the image of glamour successful people project acts as a shield that hides the sad truth of their lives and how fragile their...

Aug 28, 2023
Intolerance and 'one size fits all'
Poseidon, Greek mythology’s God of the Sea, had a son named Procrustes. He occupied a home along the sacred way between Athens and...

Aug 28, 2023
Lack of Purpose
When I first met Richard, one of his major complaints was about his ever-demanding boss, who never seemed to be content with what Richard...

Aug 24, 2023
Effectively Fake Or Trustworthy Presentations
No one doubts that the ability to communicate well orally is considered a crucial skill effective leaders should master. We see an...
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