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Job Embeddedness

"Job Embeddedness is a better voluntary turnover predictor that job satisfaction, available job alternatives, and organizational commitment combined"

Are you an international executive?
How embedded are you in your job?

We invite you to participate in a groundbreaking research survey to capture insights from international executives like yourself. 

As a key decision-maker, your insights will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of current trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the lives of executives working for international companies.


Survey Details:

Duration: Approximately 5 minutes

Survey Link:

Job Embeddedness


The Bocconi University Ethics Committee has approved this survey. Your responses, email addresses, and IP addresses will remain anonymous. The findings will be aggregated and analyzed to provide a holistic view of the industry's direction.


To express our gratitude for your time and contribution, participants will have the opportunity to receive an exclusive summary report of the survey results, comparing your score with those of your colleagues.


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